Sunday 6 March 2011

Breakthrough to keep pesky SMSes at bay

Tired of junk marketing messages flooding your cell phone inbox?  SMS Assassin, a software developed by Indian Institute of Information Technology-Delhi (IIT-Delhi), can now put an end to your woes by helping you segregate spam from regular messages. Being a cheap option to reach the masses, marketing firms are widely using Short Message Service (SMS) to offer value added services and advertisement. These unwanted messages disturb mobile users and at times come with infected attachments. Countermeasures offered by the government have failed to stop these.

According to available data, in India an estimate 100 million spam messages are sent everyday. Companies dedicated for SMS-based advertising have been launched and they can reach out to about 1,00,000 people for less than Rs3,500. “This is what inspired us to come up with SMSAssassin,” Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, assistant professor at IIT-Delhi, said. “SMSAssasin performs the spam filtering automatically. It is designed to run on mid-range phones wherein it filters spam messages and also gives the user freedom to receive spam SMSes which are useful to him or her,” he said.

Kumaraguru said a study conducted by his team in IIIT-Delhi found that an SMS is a spam or not, differed from person to person. “Females mostly tagged message related to festivals offers, beauty products, discount offers on food/goods etc; males mostly tagged messages related to sports, businesses, job, studies, social gathering and recharge schemes related messages. We also observed that most of food discount offers were tagged by males and females both,” he said.

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